Saturday, April 17, 2010

Phaedra Paperie's First Letterpress!

On behalf of Phaedra Paperie, I'm proud to welcome our first letterpress into the studio.

It is an as-yet unnamed Poco #0 Proof Press. Although it needs a little bit of restoration (minor rust and overall crud from storage) it looks to be in pretty good shape and I'm super-excited to clean it up and get printing.

It's hard to find much information on Pocos on the web, as they seem to be rare and somewhat relegated to dusty corners. I do know that this one dates to before 1937, but that's about it so far. (See flyer to the right; worth a closer look.)

They were never intended for tight registration -- literally just for quick proofs to check spelling -- and they lack an integrated inking mechanism, but there are a dedicated few out there who have made these little wonders perform like their inventors never intended. I hope to join their ranks.

Look forward to updates on the press's restoration and first printing trials!